The Arizona Memorial

Looking across the harbor from the Pearl Harbor Visitors Center at the Arizona Memorial and USS Missouri.

Pointing to the location of the USS San Francisco CA-38 on December 7.

Years ago, I interviewed a sailor, Joe Whitt, from the Frisco who was at Pearl Harbor. He saw the USS Oklahoma capsize.

See USS San Francisco memorial and model at this link USS San Francisco CA-38

Boarding the US Navy ferry to the Arizona Memorial.

The USS Arizona Memorial.

Docking with the USS Arizona Memorial.

Plaque dedicating the USS Arizona Memorial.

Oil leaking from the USS Arizona flowing towards the USS Missouri.

Underwater wreckage of the USS Arizona.

USS Arizona mooring quay.

The base of #3 turret.

The viewing pool inside the USS Arizona Memorial.

The names of 1,177 Navy sailors and Marines killed on the USS Arizona on December 7.

A USS Arizona Memorial docent describing the interment of an Arizona veteran who chose to be buried with his shipmates.

Names of Arizona veterans who had their ashes placed on the ship post WWII.

The docent was very good. Well done sir.

Looking at the leaking oil.

The black tears of the USS Arizona rise to the surface every day.

The USS Missouri bow points at the USS Arizona Memorial.

Standing where WWII began for America and looking at the ship where it ended.

The family. Whitney, Kurtis, Katie, Micah and me.

One of the most emotionally moving places I have ever visited. Lest we forget.

The USS Arizona anchor and the memorial in the distance.