The Battleship Missouri

We have arrived.

Wearing my new CAF shirt.

Hello Admiral Nimitz.

This is cool. We are really here. Mighty Mo!

Kurtis, Katie, Micah and Whitney boarding the ship.

Beautiful Haze Grey.

This way aft.

This way forward.

OK - we are lost.

Missouri lifeboat is huge.

9/2/45 Surrender ceremony on the Missouri with all participants identified.

Surrender documents.

Whitney, Katie and Kurt looking at the surrender documents.

General Douglas MacArthur.

Surrender ceremony plaque on the deck.

Looking at the spot where history took place.

Commemorative plaque posted nearby.

Missouri docent telling the story of the kamikaze attack on 4/11/45.

Photograph of the kamikaze attack. The pilot was killed but no Missouri sailors were seriously injured.

The dent on the Missouri from the plane's impact.

Fragments of the kamikaze aircraft.

Diagram of a 16 inch gun.

The Missouri's guns are HUGE.

Cool display.


More bunks.

Get outta there!

Beautiful painting of Missouri and destroyer in WWII.

USS Constitution model

USS Missouri model.

Executive dining room.

Executive lounge.

Missouri floormat. I want one of these!

Machine shop.

Donut shop.

Ship's library.

Dentist's office.

The Missouri gets around.

Conning tower with battle markings.

Katie enjoying the view.

Radar assemblies on conning tower.

Checking out the bridge.

Where the CO sits.

Looks like fog.

Where WWII ended and where WWII began for America.

Actor Taylor Kitsch in the movie BATTLESHIP (2012) at the same plexiglass windscreens where we are standing.

The Missouri went to sea for a day to shoot scenes for the movie. Aliens vs. Mighy Mo!

Anchor chains.

On the bow. I don't know what this does.

Crewman Kurtis.

Nice shot.

The whole crew. Micah, Katie, me, Kurtis, and Whitney.

Awesome ship. Awesome history.

Statue depicting the Times Square Kiss on VJ Day.